OUR directions


There are different kinds of transportation near our hotel.

Some of these places directions are given below.

OUR Directions

Jessore Airport

Jessore Airport is one of the major airports of our country. It’s about 71.5 kilometers or 44.4 Miles from our Hotel. Estimate time of arrival is 1 hour 52 minutes without traffic.

Available transports are Car & Bus. A map is given below to observe direction.

See map for direction
OUR directions

Mongla Port

Mongla is one of the major ports of our country. It’s about 45.3 kilometers or 28.15 Miles from our Hotel. Estimate time of arrival is 1 hour 9 minutes without traffic.

Available transports are Cars & Ships. A map is given below to observe direction.

See map for direction
OUR Directions

Khulna Railway Station

It’s about 1.9 kilometers or 1.2 Miles from our Hotel. Estimate time of arrival is 9 minutes without traffic.

Available transports are Car & Local Transport. A map is given below to observe direction.

See map for direction
OUR Directions

Sonadanga Bus Terminal

It’s about 3.1 kilometers or 1.9 Miles from our Hotel. Estimate time of arrival is 10 minutes without traffic.

Available transports are Car & Bus. A map is given below to observe direction.

See map for direction