OUR Directions

Places of Worship

There are different religious persons live among us. We have all kinds of worship places near our hotel.

Some of these places directions are given below.

OUR directions

Town Jaam-E-Mosque

It’s about 1.8 kilometers or 1.1 Miles from our Hotel. Estimate time of arrival is 7 minutes without traffic.

Available transports are Car & Bus. A map is given below to observe direction.

See map for direction
OUR directions


A church building, often simply called a church, is a building used for Christian religious activities, particularly worship services. The term in its architectural sense is most often used by Christians to refer to their religious buildings, but it is sometimes used (by analogy) for buildings of other religions.

See map for direction
OUR directions

Dhormoshova Mondir

Dhormoshova Mondir is main mondir in khulna. It’s about 700 meters or 0.43 Miles from our Hotel. Estimate time of arrival is 9 minutes without traffic.

Available transports are Car & Local transport. A map is given below to observe direction.

See map for direction