OUR Directions

Government Offices

There are some important Government Offices in Khulna city. These places are used for both government and public purposes.

Some of these places directions are given below.

OUR Directions

Deputy Commissioner Office

It’s about 1.6 kilometers or 1 Mile from our Hotel. Estimate time of arrival is 6 minutes without traffic.

Available transports are Car & Local Transport. A map is given below to observe direction.

See map for direction
OUR directions

Forest Office

It’s about 5 kilometers or 3.1 Miles from our Hotel. Estimate time of arrival is 13 minutes without traffic.

Available transports are Car & Bus. A map is given below to observe direction.

See map for direction
OUR Directions

Khulna Chamber of Commerce & Industry

It’s about 900 meters or 0.56 Miles from our Hotel. Estimate time of arrival is 11 minutes without traffic.

Available transports are Car & Bus. A map is given below to observe direction.

See map for direction
OUR directions

Khulna Circuit House

It’s about 1.6 kilometers or 1 Mile from our Hotel. Estimate time of arrival is 7 minutes without traffic.

Available transports are Car & Local Tranport. A map is given below to observe direction.

See map for direction
OUR Directions

Khulna City Corporation

It’s about 1.2 kilometers or .75 Miles from our Hotel. Estimate time of arrival is 15 minutes without traffic.

Available transports are Car & Local Transport. A map is given below to observe direction.

See map for direction
OUR directions

Khulna Development Authority (KDA)

It’s about 1.9 kilometers or 1.2 Miles from our Hotel. Estimate time of arrival is 7 minutes without traffic.

Available transports are Car & Bus. A map is given below to observe direction.

See map for direction
OUR directions

Khulna Passport Office

It’s about 3.9 kilometers or 2.42 Miles from our Hotel. Estimate time of arrival is 11 minutes without traffic.

Available transports are Car & Bus. A map is given below to observe direction.

See map for direction